from 1st April 2024
The School offers a wide range of lessons, courses, hacks and activities for children, adults, Schools and Groups, including those with special needs.
In addition the School is an Approved NVQ City & Guilds Teaching Centre - see separate section for full details.
We prefer payment to be made when booking, using the online Booking and Payment system. If payment is made at the stables office, we prefer by contactless card OR in advance by bank transfer (get details from info@courtequestrian.co.uk).
To see the Timetable and/or to book a lesson use our Online Booking system.
For more info, click here court-equestrian.horseriding.app/register​.
Or email info@courtequestrian.co.uk
Or phone Stables office on 01905 831 522 or Admin on 01905 831 778.
To cancel a lesson, please cancel online, giving at least 24 hours notice. Email is not monitored at weekends; to cancel a weekend lesson after midday on Friday phone the office (leave a message if on voicemail) on 01905 831 522 or text 077 3456 9118.
NOTE: prices for lessons etc are shown on the online booking system. The prices below are a guide and apply in most cases. In the event of a difference, the price shown on the online booking system is correct.
Prices from 1st April 2024
TINY TOTS: 20 minutes £12.00
CHILDREN c5yrs to 18th birthday:
1/2 hour £19.50
1 hour £33.00
ADULTS from 18 years old:
1/2 hour £22.00
45 minutes £31.50
1 hour £38.00
SOLO 30 minutes £ 38.50
45 minutes £52.00
DUO/SPLIT - 2 RIDERS 30 minutes £30.00 each rider
45 minutes £41.50 each rider
MINI GROUP – 3 RIDERS 30 minutes £25.00 each rider
CHILD £55.00
ADULT £66.00
Single £37.00
Multiple/siblings £35.50
Usually run Thursdays during term time.
More info for Home-educated students here.
Price per child £17.00
(Minimum payment £102 equivalent to 6 children. Deposit £50. Put "Party" and organiser's name on any Bank Transfer, please)
Party food can be ordered direct from on-site Stirrups Cafe. Info here
FEEL-GOOD Courses (occasional)
Price per session £25
More info here
Full Livery from £490.00 per month
Working Livery £375.00
Working Field Livery £295.00 (very few spaces)
Child £160.00 per month
Adult £175.00 per month
Residential £425.00
Non-residential £285.00
FOOD From STIRRUPS CAFE can be ordered for Parties and most Fun Days. Contact details on our Parties page.
All children of any age (ie up to 18) who have not ridden before start at Lead Rein level for safety reasons. They will move up a level when they can walk, trot and stop.
Older children may prefer to have their lead rein classes as private lessons, to avoid riding with much younger riders.
Regular Rider details: riders can have up to 3 half-hour group lessons or hacks (or equivalent) per week. For the moment these should be on different days. They cannot be carried over to the next month.
Payment is currently by Standing Order bank transfer at the start of each month, and riders should select Pay on Arrival for the moment. We expect to move to a system which releases Tokens for use when Booking.
Regular Rider tokens cannot be used for Fun Days.
Child regular riders can be dropped off for an agreed period between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm on Saturday or Sunday and do some stable management (helping tack up, muck out, hay & water ponies). This must be agreed in advance. While adults are around, children may not necessarily be closely supervised at all times. More info here.
We will try to accommodate preferences for favourite horses but cannot always guarantee it.
We have a wide variety of horses suitable for most riders. However, at the moment, we have a weight limit for riders (weighed fully dressed and ready to ride) of 15 stone/95 KG (updated 8 Dec 2024).
Gift Vouchers make a great present. They can be purchased by selecting Gift Voucher on the new Booking system, for any value. They are then emailed to you and you can email/pass them on as a gift.
They are valid for a year. The recipient can then book the lesson using the Booking system (again, selected from the menu above). When paying, select "Redeem a Gift Card". If necessary, prices can be topped up with a credit/debit card or any balances will be retained on the gift card.
These are available for loan by Riders who do not have their own. Please make use of them!
All riders (and the parents & carers of riders) have to accept that accidents will happen with horses and ponies.
Horses & ponies can be unpredictable and can be "spooked" by apparently innocuous and unexpected items or events. No matter how good the Instructor, or how much care is taken, it is difficult and often impossible for anyone other than the rider to have full control over the animal.
So, riders will fall off! Horses and ponies are big and strong, so falling off can lead to accidental injury!
Reduce the risks of injury by ALWAYS wearing a hard hat; wearing body protection; wearing riding boots (or at least boots with smooth soles to minimise the risk of catching in stirrups); treating the animal with respect and care; avoiding loud, sudden or unexpected actions around the animal; and, you could even consider some of the more expensive methods of protection such as Body Protectors (or even air bags!)
Whilst it is extremely unlikely that a rider would have a claim against the school, we do have a Combined Equine Insurance Policy in place. However, this does NOT cover riders under the age of 4 nor any rider who does not wear a suitable hat.
All riders should consider taking out their own insurance cover.
Children are expected to leave the school when their lesson is over. If they are allowed to stay longer, click here
To see the Timetable and to book a lesson go to
our Online Booking system and Sign Up/Register.
More info HERE.
Or email info@courtequestrian.co.uk
077 3456 9118 or 01905 831 778